The differences between ETFs and LICs

ETF's, Insights, Investing, News
ETFs and LICs are two popular investment vehicles that provide access to diversification at a relatively low cost. However, there are significant differences between the two, particularly in terms of structure and management. In this post, we’ll explore the differences between ETFs and LICs to help you make informed investment decisions. Exchange traded funds ETFs (Exchange…

Is it better to use a financial advisor or do it yourself?

ETF's, Insights, Investing, News, Super
Money is one of the most important resources you will ever manage.  How you manage it will significantly impact your lifestyle, both now and in the future. So deciding on who gets to help you make decisions about money will be an important consideration. In Australia, you have two options: seeing a financial advisor or managing your…

What are the pros and cons of ethical investing?

ESG, ETF's, Insights, Investing, News
We are seeing a strong trend towards investors wanting to know that their investments are making a positive impact in the world with ethical or socially responsible investing. Here we discuss some of the pros and cons of ethical investing, so you can work out if it’s the right approach for you. What is ethical…

4 ways to make money while you sleep

ETF's, Investing, News, Savings, Super
The idea of your money working for you with minimal input is touted by tech-entrepreneurs and millennials as the holy grail of modern financial freedom. But is it really possible to make money doing nothing?  The short answer: yes. Here we share four ways to make money while you sleep. 1. ETFs For a low cost,…